He has so few words.
He is so so ornery.
He is practically addicted to screens.
Can not handle transitions at all!
We are fighting eachother all day long!!
Sound familiar? Let’s talk about.
I had no idea where to start.
THEN… we began going to this cute little speech therapy preschool. And I began to see a way out.
At this preschool, like all preschool’s, they had their unique way of doing things. And my favorite thing was the cutest little picture calendar showing what the kids would be doing that day.
We would accomplish one activity, find our schedule, say “all done _____ “, rip it off and put it in a pocket. Then we would see what was next on the schedule! It was simple and it was genius.
My three-Year-Old loved it!
This was it! Something I could use to show my child what the plan was for the day.
Where he could see the activities and what order we would do them in.
Look forward to new things we would introduce or
be able to prep for not so fun things we would be tackling.
He could see that his precious screen time was in the plan but that we had fun things built in all around it.
This little calendar could potentially solve so many problems in our day.
So I made one and have LOVED using it these past several weeks. Grab it here!
For now we have our picture schedule displayed where we hang out the most… the tv room/kitchen. And it’s in a place where he can help me build it and take down the cards when we’re done.
I also laminated the activity cards and put velcro on the back so we could stick them up on this felt fabric square. But there are so many ways you can display these cards.

Not the most picture perfect, I’ll admit. But that’s not totally my style.
This may not be for everyone, and heaven knows we don’t use it every. single. day. But I am a huge believer in TOOLS. Every occupation has tools and trainings and MOMS NEED IT TOO!
So start here and come back for more ways to create a happier home.
Grab Your FREE Picture Schedule Here!