This morning was Day 1 of an 8 week running program to get me ready to run a 5k! Whenever I tell people I’m training to run a 5k I feel kind of silly because it doesn’t seem like that big of a challenge. But to me it’s a HUGE challenge! I am definitely not much of a “runner”.
When I was living in Boston I did pretty good for a little while, running outside and in the gym. But I never had any real reason to run, like I never had a race to train for or a goal in mind. So I’m hoping that this training program and my goal to run in the Gilbert Days 5k race in November will be motivation enough.
Plus, I’m planning on having another baby in the next couple of years and would like to gain some strength in order to have a more comfortable pregnancy (is there even such a thing) and a quicker recovery. I say that like my pregnancies have been terrible or something but they’ve actually both been super easy compared to some of you unlucky girls who puke 5-10 times a day. I’ve been very blessed with regard to morning sickness and pregnancy pain.
Ok, back on topic.
My challenge to YOU! Is to choose your own challenge and make a better you, better home, better marriage, better family, whatever it is you choose to work on!! Find a part of your life that needs a reboot and then go on Pinterest and choose a challenge.
Hey Look! I already did your homework for you!
Check out these awesome challenges.
30 Day Beginning Runners Challenge
2015 Reading Challenge (the years not over yet!)
12 Day Love Yourself Challenge
30 Day Smashbook Journal Challenge
You’re Welcome!
Now get to work!
– Tara
Thank you for including my smashbook challenge!
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